Julie Gold
Dearest Nourit and North Lake Villas Family,
I am deeply and forever grateful for all you did to secure my mother, June’s, move into your loving community at North Lake Villas; even as you suffered with your unexpected need to care for your own dear mother. I have begun this letter many times. I always fine the words are not sufficient.
I expected Mom to be with us now; to rally and improve, wrapped in your homey environment and tender ministrations. I hold you and all your staff in my thoughts and heart every day. Truly.
What I want to say to you in Thank You. For fighting alongside us to get Mom situated with you, for providing so nourishing a home for so many; for living and giving and working with heart and soul-fed conviction. I wish we had known of you all earlier. I am sad Mom had so short a time in a home such as she might have created. She would have applauded you for the truth you have created in the sensitivity and humanity of your work, the very personal and comfortingly human touch you all give it by being fully present.
What you all provide is unique, I am so sad to say. For everyone deserves the humanity, engagement with life and interpersonal tenderness you provide. I wish I had the power to place you in direction of care services for all among us who need them, whether through injury or wear of body or mind, because you keep the soul of care intact. This is so clearly more than a job for each and every one of you, but rather a calling of heart.
While I wish Mom had been with you longer, I thank you for the home where she could relax enough to let go and go home. Thank you for welcoming us into your hearts and lives. You are all in mine, glowing with love.
With blessings for my mother, blessings for your mother, every mother, father, sister, brother, child and each and every one of you at North Lake Villas!
Always in my heart,